
Quality and food safety policy

We want to be a partner for our customers by providing comprehensive service for all needs in the field of specialized cleaning of road tankers and transport of liquid foodstuffs and feed, the quality of which is so important for health.

We implement the Quality Policy by improving the Integrated Management System that meets the requirements of ISO 9001, SQAS, ENFIT HQF, HACCP, EFTCO Food and GMP+ B.4

We achieve our goals through:

CUSTOMER ORIENTATION - we understand both current and future customer needs and focus on meeting them. We constantly monitor the market and technical progress, enabling the implementation of global standards in the implementation of professional services, so as to meet the growing expectations of our clients.

FINANCING ASSURANCE - we build and verify sales and cost plans based on the analysis of the market situation, trying to create an optimal business plan for our company, taking into account all opportunities and threats.

PEOPLE COMMITMENT - employees in all positions are a basic element of the organization and constitute its highest good. We create a culture in which all employees are fully committed to achieving the organization's goals.

CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT - the constant goal of our organization is continuous improvement. We systematically train all employees in the basics and methods of quality management, as well as constantly improve their professional qualifications.

DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION - we provide an efficient system of information flow through a system of delegation of powers and responsibilities.

FOOD SAFETY - in order to ensure the safety of transported products, we have identified Critical Control Points and implemented a monitoring, preventive and control system and included this in the adopted HACCP Plan. In order to ensure fully professional operation of a specialized tank wash, we have implemented and audited the requirements of SQAS and ENFIT HQF. PAWTRANS HOLDING Sp. z o.o. promotes the active involvement of top management in compliance with EU Community regulations, good process engineering (PE) and all other relevant hygiene regulations related to the washing of tanks/tanks containers for transporting food products.

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION - we care about the natural environment in which we live and work through appropriate collection and selection of waste that we produce. We invest in modern vehicles that meet the strictest environmental requirements regarding exhaust emissions and noise. We transfer the generated waste only to specialized companies dealing with its disposal.

HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PERSONNEL - the constant goal of our organization is to permanently care for and improve this area. We systematically train all employees in the field of health and safety, we also make constant investments in safe infrastructure and proper working conditions. In order to raise the safety standards of personnel, colleagues and visitors, we have implemented and apply the principles of SQAS (Safety and Quality Assessment System) and ENFIT HQF – including health and safety requirements, environmental requirements, quality/customers, safety based on routine behavior (BBS), prohibited drugs and alcohol, training and non-compliance reporting.

The Management Board of PAWTRANS ensures that the Quality Policy is understood, implemented and funds are provided for its implementation, so that all employees can fully engage in achieving quality objectives. The validity of the Quality Policy and the Quality Management System is maintained by applying periodic reviews of the entire Quality Management System and planning appropriate improvement activities.

GMP+ Quality Policy

In order to increase quality standards and ensure health safety of transported feed products, Pawtrans has implemented the requirements of the GMP+ B.4 standard – road transport of feed materials and feed additives.

The basic assumption of this standard is to ensure the quality and safety of feed and feed materials throughout the feed chain. In PAWTRANS, the GMP+ B.4 system covers the service scope of transport of liquid and semi-liquid feed and feed materials.

The implementation of GMP+ B.4 is part of the revised "Quality and Food Safety Policy". This document assumes continuous care for the quality and health safety of transported feed.

The above assumptions are implemented through continuous quality control, from the moment of accepting the order to the release of feed at the destination.

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